Apes are primates with brown or black fur that covers their bodies, their hands are human-like with fingers and thumbs, and their arms are longer than their legs. Apes are excellent at climbing (100%). They move about on all fours but can stand erect and walk short distances.
These animals are omnivores, but most of their food consists of nuts, seeds, fruits, and leaves. They do not attack humanoids and avoid them when possible. Giant apes and gorillas are territorial. The former will attack humanoids that enter their areas, while the latter will attempt to scare them away before attacking.
Male and female apes have the same general characteristics, except females inflict half the damage of their male counterparts and cannot roar.
Apes live in forests and jungles with temperate or tropical climates. They build dens using trees, branches, and other plant materials.
Hit Points 2 + 1d4
DV1 / DV2 1 / 1
Attack Value 1
# Attacks 2 or 1
Weapon Type Claw / Claw or Missile
Damage 1d2 / 1d2 or 1d4
Saving Throws 14+
Speed Walk (3 / Run (9)
Apes stand three feet high and weigh around 15 pounds. They are fearful of combat and try to avoid conflict. If threatened or if their lair is disturbed, they resort to fighting.
Apes attempt to remain in trees, out of reach of melee weapons, and throw rocks and other objects at their enemies. These missile weapons inflict 1d4 damage. If forced into melee combat, apes attack with their claws. Each claw attack causes 1d2 damage.
Apes are communal creatures, living in small groups of 4 to 12 with a mixture of males, females, and young. Young apes have one-half the health of adults and cannot fight.
Ape, Giant
Hit Points 15 + 1d4
DV1 / DV2 2 / 2
Attack Value 3
# Attacks 2
Weapon Type Claw / Claw
Damage 1d4+2 / 1d4+2
Saving Throws 12+
Speed Walk (3 / Run (9)
Giant apes are similar to ordinary apes in appearance, though larger. They stand six feet tall and weigh 120 pounds. Unlike smaller apes, however, giant apes are aggressive.
In melee combat, giant apes attack with claws. Their strength enables them to inflict 1d4+2 damage with each attack. When reduced to fewer than 5 hit points, giant apes retreat to the trees, climbing out of melee range. They are capable of inflicting 1 point of structural damage per minute.
Giant apes live in small groups of 3 to 8 with an equal distribution of males, females, and young. Young giant apes are equivalent to adult apes. The large fangs of these animals can be harvested and sold for 2 gold coins apiece.
Hit Points 20 + 3d6
DV1 / DV2 4 / 4
Attack Value 5
# Attacks 2 or 1
Weapon Type Claw / Claw or Roar
Damage 2d4+3 / 2d4+3 or special
Saving Throws 10+
Speed Walk (3 / Run (15)
Gorillas are large primates that stand seven feet tall and weigh six hundred pounds. They are covered with black fur and have canine teeth. They walk on all fours, resting their weight on their knuckles, and can gallop at high speeds in this stance. They are exceptionally strong and aggressive combatants.
Before entering combat, gorillas stand erect on their hind legs, beat their chests, and roar. This roar causes fear in animals with less than 21 hit points (e.g., hunting dogs, riding horses, noycha), forcing such animals to run away in a random direction at their topmost speed for 3d6 minutes. Humanoids with fewer than 20 hit points must make a saving throw vs. fear or suffer a -3 AV penalty while fighting the gorilla.
In melee combat, gorillas attack with their powerful claws. Each attack inflicts 2d4+3 damage. They are also capable of inflicting 2d3 points of structural damage per minute.
Gorillas attempt to scare away humanoids that draw near to their territory with their chest-beating display and roar. If humanoids enter their territory, gorillas will attack. Gorillas live in small groups. Young gorillas have the same characteristics as giant apes.