Bear (Forge)

Bears are large mammals with thick, furry hides, sharp claws, and aggressive tendencies. They are omnivores and eat plants, insects, fish, deer, and small animals. They possess very keen olfactory senses and excel at the tracking skill (90%).

Female bears are just as strong as their male counterparts but are more aggressive when protecting their young. When a mother bear defends her offspring, a female bear gains a +2 AV modifier and inflicts +2 damage with each attack.

Black, giant, and grizzly bears live in temperate climates. They choose to inhabit forests, hills, and mountains. They make their dens in caves and burrows.

Bear, Black

Hit Points 30 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 5 / 5
Attack Value 5
# Attacks 2
Weapon Type Claw / Claw
Damage 1d4+3 / 1d4+3
Saving Throws 11+
Speed Walk (3) / Run (12) / Sprint (21)

Black bears are the weakest and least aggressive type of bear. They have a height of only eight feet when standing on their hind legs and avoid contact with humanoids unless provoked. Black bears can climb trees and gently sloping surfaces (70%). They have night vision with a range of 60 feet.

When entering melee combat, black bears use their two powerful claws. Each claw inflicts 1d4+3 damage per attack.

A typical lair will have an adult male bear, an adult female bear, and 1d3 cubs. Young bears have one-half the health and damage potential as a black bear. The black bear’s fur is valuable. A full-grown black bear pelt is worth 50 gold coins.

Bear, Giant

Hit Points 90 +2d6
DV1 / DV2 7 / 7
Attack Value 10
# Attacks 2 or 1
Weapon Type Claw / Claw or Roar
Damage 2d6+5 / 2d6+5 or special
Saving Throws 8+
Speed Walk (2) / Run (8) / Sprint (14)

Giant bears are the largest and most aggressive of all bears. They stand 18 feet tall when standing upright and have huge claws and massive jaws. They are territorial and attack humanoids that enter their area. Giant bears can climb trees and gently sloping surfaces (50%). They have night vision with a range of 60 feet.

Before a giant bear engages with an enemy, it will first emit a terrifying roar. This roar forces all creatures within a 30-foot radius to make a saving throw against fear (-2) or become terrified. Terrified victims suffer a -4 AV penalty for the duration of the combat. Animals with less than 30 hit points (e.g., dogs, horses, mules) automatically become terrified and flee the area.

When engaged with an enemy, these massive animals attack twice per combat minute. Each successful hit inflicts 2d6+5 damage.

If a giant bear rolls 5 higher than it needs to strike a victim, the attack automatically throws the victim 3d6 feet away and forces the victim to make a saving throw vs. fear or else become stunned for 1d4 minutes. If there is an obstacle in the way (e.g., wall, rock, or tree) no dexterity check is allowed and the stun is automatic.

Giant bears are solitary animals. It is rare to find more than one bear in a den. When there is more than one bear in the den, it will be a female giant bear and her young cubs. Cubs are equivalent to adult black bears. A fully-grown giant bear pelt is worth 90 gold coins.

Bear, Grizzly

Hit Points 50 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 7 / 7
Attack Value 7
# Attacks 2
Weapon Type Claw / Claw
Damage 2d4+2 / 2d4+2
Saving Throws 13+
Speed Walk (2) / Run (8) / Sprint (14)

Grizzly bears are 12 feet tall when standing on their hind legs. They are not aggressive and often (80%) leave travelers alone. When a grizzly bear is hungry or wounded, it becomes enraged and will attack until slain. When enraged, a grizzly bear will chase its victims but becomes tired and halts the pursuit after 5 minutes.

These bears attack twice per combat turn with their claws. Each successful hit inflicts 2d4+2 damage.

Grizzly bears are solitary creatures. When more than one bear lives in a den, it will be a mother and her cubs. Grizzly bear cubs have one-half the health and damage potential of an adult. The fur of a grizzly bear is valuable. Furriers can sell a fully-grown grizzly bear pelt for 70 gold coins.

Bear, Polar

Hit Points 60 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 9 / 9
Attack Value 6
# Attacks 2
Weapon Type Claw / Claw
Damage 2d4+4 / 2d4+4
Saving Throws 9+
Speed Walk (2) / Run (8) / Swim (5)

Polar bears reach a height of 10 feet and weigh 1,500 pounds. Aggressive by nature, polar bears will attack any creature they deem a threat. Their coloration allows them to surprise prey 50% of the time. They are also proficient swimmers.

When fighting in melee combat, these animals use their claws. Each attack inflicts 2d4+4 damage.

Polar bears live in frigid climates where snow and ice are abundant. They hunt seals primarily for food. The pelt of a fully-grown polar bear is worth 80 gold coins.

A polar bear den will contain a male and female polar bear and 1d3 young. Young polar bears inflict only 1d4+1 damage per claw and have one-half the health of a full-grown polar bear.