Beavers are rodents with stout bodies covered with light brown to black fur. They have sharp front teeth and flat tails. Beavers are slow on land but can swim quickly. They can stay submerged for up to 15 minutes. Their eyesight is poor, but they have exceptional hearing and sense of smell, allowing them to sense danger at a range of 60 feet.
Strictly herbivores, beavers eat leaves, inner bark, plants, and twigs. They run from combat whenever possible. When threatened, beavers flap their flat tails in mud or water to warn other beavers in the area.
Beavers are nocturnal animals that live in temperate areas near ponds, rivers, lakes, and swamps. They fashion their dens, which are called lodges, in the middle of the deep water to protect against predators. The lodges float on top of the water and are accessible only from underneath. Lodges have several chambers and are also difficult to destroy. A lodge can sustain 15 structural points.
Males and females have the same characteristics, and both are fiercely protective of their young.
Hit Points 2 +1d4
DV1 / DV2 1 / 1
Attack Value 1
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Bite
Damage 1d4
Saving Throws 15+
Speed Walk (2) / Run (6) / Swim (7)
Beavers reach a length of three feet and weigh nearly 55 pounds. They are proficient at manipulating their environment to suit their needs by felling trees, damning rivers, and storing water. They avoid combat. If forced to defend itself, a beaver can bite with its sharp front teeth for 1d4 damage.
Beavers live in colonies that consist of two adults and several young beavers. Their fur is valuable. A fully-grown beaver pelt is worth 10 gold coins.
Beaver, Giant
Hit Points 10 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 3 / 3
Attack Value 3
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Bite
Damage 3d4
Saving Throws 12+
Speed Walk (3) / Run (9) / Swim (12)
Giant beavers reach a length of six feet and weigh nearly 120 pounds. Like their smaller cousins, giant beavers manipulate their environment to suit their needs. Unlike ordinary beavers, giant beavers are fiercely protective of their territory and will attack predators and humanoids that wander too close. Their keen senses make them impossible to surprise.
In combat, a giant beaver attacks with its sharp teeth. Each successful hit inflicts 3d4 damage.
It is not uncommon for a giant beaver to be near a lodge containing their smaller cousins. When this occurs, the sound of an ordinary beaver’s tail slapping will summon the giant beaver to their defense. Giant beavers live together as a mated pair. Their offspring leave the den within the first six months to start their own family. A young giant beaver has the same characteristics as their smaller brethren.
Giant beaver fur is valuable. The pelt of a fully-grown specimen is worth 20 gold coins.