Lion (Forge)

Hit Points 30 +1d10
DV1 / DV2 4 / 4
Attack Value 6
# Attacks 3 or 1
Weapon Type Claw / Claw / Bite or Roar
Damage 2d4 / 2d4 / 2d6 or Special
Saving Throws 9+
Speed Walk (3) / Run (15) / Sprint (24)

Lions are large felines with short-haired coats of tawny brown and a tail ending in a dark tuft. Most males have black or tawny manes with varying lengths growing from the head, neck, and shoulders. Grown males are about six feet long. They can weigh up to four hundred pounds. Also, male lions are skilled at tracking (80%), and female lions are better at tracking (95%).

Before entering combat, a male lion will roar. This roar causes ordinary animals with less than 21 hit points (e.g., dogs, horses, mules, and noycha) to flee in a random direction for 2d4 minutes. It also forces larger animals and humanoids to make a saving throw vs. fear (-2) or suffer a -3 AV penalty for the duration of combat with the lion. 

When engaged in melee combat, a lion attacks with its two massive front paws and a dangerous bite. The paws each inflict 2d4 damage, while the bite causes 2d6 damage.

Lions are social creatures. They usually live in groups called prides, which vary in composition from two to thirty. Lions inhabit grasslands and semi-desert areas. They hunt antelope, zebra, other large herbivorous animals, and domestic stock. Lions also eat carrion.

Female lions are smaller and weigh less than their male counterparts. They have the same general characteristics but inflict one-half the listed damage. Also, the roar of a female lion does not instill fear like a male lion. However, if a female’s cubs are in danger, a female lion gains a +2 AV and +3 damage per attack. Young lions are smaller still. They have half the hit points and inflict only one-quarter the damage of an adult male lion.

Male lion fur is valuable. A skilled furrier can sell a full-grown lion pelt for 120 gold coins.