Llama (Forge)

Hit Points 10 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 1 / 1
Attack Value 2
# Attacks 1 or 1
Weapon Type Ram or Kick
Damage 1d2 + stun or 1d6
Saving Throws 14+
Speed Walk (3) / Run (13)

Llamas look like a mixture of sheep and camel. They stand almost six feet tall and weigh about four hundred and fifty pounds. Their bodies have shaggy fur that resembles wool. Their ears are long and curved inward. Llama can be white, brown, black, or gray. They are sure-footed and can negotiate hills and rough terrain without difficulty. They are also strong, capable of carrying 200 pounds for up to 15 miles per day.

These animals are herbivores. They eat a variety of grasses, grains, and vegetation. A llama is a docile animal and will only attack if threatened. Before entering combat, a llama will spit a thick saliva at an enemy up to five feet away to signify its agitation. The saliva does not inflict damage.

When forced to defend itself, a llama will ram creatures standing in front of them or kick creatures behind them.

The ramming attack inflicts 1d2 damage, and if the llama scores 8 more than it needs to hit, it knocks its victim off balance and stuns it for 1d2 turns. The victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. fear to avoid being stunned. When attacking creatures behind it, a llama can kick for 1d6 damage.

Llamas live in mountains, hills, and grasslands. They travel in small groups, with the males protecting the females and young from danger. Males and females have the same characteristics. Young llamas have one-half the health of their parents and cannot fight.

Various cultures have domesticated the llama to serve as steeds, pack animals, and laborers.