Falcons are small birds. They possess sharp beaks with a hook on the end and are exceptionally fast. They are often a dull brown color with black spots. Some also have a black coloration around their heads. They have very keen eyesight and can spot small prey up to two miles away.
These animals are carnivores. They are aggressive hunters of small animals such as bats, birds, frogs, lizards, and mice. Falcons do not attack humanoids or larger animals and avoid them when possible. Giant falcons will fight to defend their hunting grounds.
Male and female falcons have the same general characteristics, except female falcons are larger. Male falcons inflict one-half the damage of their female counterparts. Both will fight to defend their nest.
These birds live in almost any terrain in temperate or tropical climates. They make their nests in trees, cliff faces, and other hollows hidden from predators.
Animal handlers can train falcons to aid hunters by increasing their daily chance to find food by 45%. Training must begin when a falcon hatches from the egg. Because of their value, hunters often seek out the nests of falcons. Nests will contain 1d4 eggs. A falcon egg is worth 3 gold coins.
Hit Points 1d4
DV1 / DV2 0 / 0
Attack Value 1
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Talons
Damage 1d2
Saving Throws 15+
Speed Walk (1) / Fly (30)
Falcons are small birds that have a wingspan of thirteen inches and weigh less than one pound. When forced into combat, a falcon rakes with its back talons. The talons inflict 1d2 damage.
If trained as a hatchling, there is a 10% chance that a falcon gains an intense loyalty to its master. Loyal falcons fight in their master’s defense, even against larger enemies.
Falcon, Giant
Hit Points 8 + 1d4
DV1 / DV2 2 / 2
Attack Value 4
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Talons
Damage 1d6+1
Saving Throws 12+
Speed Walk (1) / Run (35)
Giant falcons have a wingspan of three feet, and they weigh three pounds. Unlike ordinary falcons, these birds are more aggressive and attack large animals and humanoids encroaching on their hunting grounds.
They swoop down on their victims and attack with their sharp talons. A successful hit inflicts 1d6+1 damage.
Animal handlers cannot train these birds to serve a master. Their eggs hold no value.