Frogs are amphibians with squat bodies, long back legs, and bulging eyes. They have dark green coloration. Their tongues are long and agile. Frogs cannot breathe underwater but can hold their breath for up to two hours. They move about on land by hopping but are much faster in the water. The position of their eyes makes surprising a frog impossible.
Female frogs are larger than their male counterparts. Both have the same general characteristics. Young frogs have one-half the health and damage potential of an adult specimen.
These amphibians live in swamps, rivers, and lakes in temperate or tropical climates. They are carnivorous, eating insects and arachnids. Both will attack humanoids that enter their hunting grounds.
Frog, Giant
Hit Points 15 +1d4
DV1 / DV2 2 / 2
Attack Value 4
# Attacks 1 or 1
Weapon Type Tongue or Croak
Damage 1d6 or Special
Saving Throws 12+
Speed Walk (1) / Run (4) / Swim (6)
Giant frogs are immense versions of the ordinary bullfrog. These creatures reach four feet at the shoulder and weigh over sixty pounds.
These monsters attack with their tongues or croak loudly. Unlike the ordinary tongue of frogs, the giant frog’s tongue ends in a hardened clubbed knot. The animal uses this weapon to bash melee victims for 1d6 damage. Or the giant frog can emit a loud, booming croak. This noise frightens animals with less than 15 hit points. Frightened animals flee in a random direction for 1d4 turns at their top movement rate.
Frog, Poisonous
Hit Points 5 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 1 / 1
Attack Value 2
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Nil + Poison
Damage Special
Saving Throws 14+
Speed Walk (1) / Run (4) / Swim (8)
Poisonous frogs are amphibians that stand close to one foot high and weigh ten pounds. They blend in with their environments, granting them surprise 30% of the time.
These frogs attack with their tongue in melee combat. Although the tongue does not inflict any damage, the tongue is poisoned. The victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or suffer 2d4 actual damage.