Hawks are aggressive hunting birds. They are light brown. Their feathers are spots of black or softer brown splotches. Their eyesight is very sharp, and hawks can spot even small animals at ranges of over a mile distance.
These birds hunt small animals such as rabbits, mice, fish, lizards, and reptiles. Hawks avoid combat with larger animals and humanoids. Giant hawks are territorial and attack larger predators that enter their hunting grounds.
Male and female hawks have the same general characteristics, except female hawks are larger. Male hawks inflict one-half the damage of their female counterparts. Both will fight to defend their nest.
These birds live in almost any terrain in temperate or tropical climates. They make their nests in trees, cliff faces, and other hollows hidden from predators.
Hit Points 2 + 1d4
DV1 / DV2 1 / 1
Attack Value 3
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Beak
Damage 1d3
Saving Throws 15+
Speed Walk (1) / Fly (26)
Hawks have a wingspan of nearly two feet. These birds swoop down on victims to attack with their sharp beaks, inflicting 1d3 damage.
A typical nest contains a mated pair of hawks and 1d3 eggs. Animal handlers can train hawks to aid hunters, providing a +40% chance of finding food per day. Training must begin when a hawk hatches from the egg. Because of their value, hunters often seek out the nests of hawks. A hawk egg is worth 2 gold coins.
Hawk, Giant
Hit Points 10 + 1d4
DV1 / DV2 2 / 2
Attack Value 3
# Attacks 1
Weapon Type Beak
Damage 1d6
Saving Throws 11+
Speed Walk (1) / Run (30)
Giant hawks have a wingspan of sixteen feet. They are aggressive and have attacked small humanoids. Their beaks inflict 1d6 damage with a successful hit.
A nest usually contains a mated pair of giant hawks and 1d2 eggs. Animal handlers can train these hawks to be guardians. Training must begin when a hawk hatches from the egg. Because of their value, hunters often seek out the nests of these hawks. A giant hawk egg is worth 8 gold coins.
Also, giant hawk feathers are valuable. Each feather is worth 20 silver coins. An adult hawk has 1d2 usable feathers per hit point.